Want to book one of our AWARD WINNING digital resources? Fill out our form below and we’ll do the rest!
School Name: *
School postal address (please include postcode): *
Your First Name: *
Your Last Name: *
Mobile Phone Number: *
Email: *
Name (Accounts Person): *
Phone Number (Accounts Person): *
Email (Accounts Person):*
Year level/levels:*
Total number of students:*
How did you hear about us? * Word of mouthSocial mediaMake A Scene emailMake A Scene snail mailDrama VictoriaDrama NSWOther
Terms & Conditions
My school has approved the purchase of this resource and I understand that I will be invoiced for the full fee once this form is submitted.
I understand this resource is only available for a semester subscription only.
I am aware that this recording includes some video examples that may not be appropriate for my students and I take full responsibility for reviewing footage and setting tasks.
I agree to not share this resource beyond the numbers and classes quoted. I understand sharing this resource is a breach of intellectual property rights and may result in legal action. I understand Make A Scene regularly checks logins and analytical data and if they deem passwords have been shared beyond what has been purchased, my school agrees to pay additional fees.
I understand a 10% administration fee will be charged if a cancellation is made after the invoice has been processed or if the invoice is not paid within 14 days.